Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ethical Issue Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Moral Issue Analysis - Essay Example This causes them to be responsible for their activities since the current working circumstance is all the more requesting not exclusively to the clients alone yet in addition to the general public on the loose. This isn't a special case for a dental school that isn't yet settled as in they could be deficient with regards to the proper offices to offer quality preparing for the understudies. Reasonableness and trustworthiness become a major issue as in morals are viewed as an ethical quandary. Brighton dental school has been set up through the endeavors of a network that is inclined to dental infections. This was viewed as an alternate route to accomplishing great wellbeing for the teeth in future. The organization imagined that economical advancement for all foundations in the general public would begin with the general public itself thinking of systems to support them. With time the school was relied upon to venture into a greater organization and in this way for a beginning, it was fitting that they think of adaptable moral contemplations that would guarantee that every one of those keen on seeking after a vocation course were incorporated. Among the key players were simply the network who were viewed as a power with which the school would work for. It was expected that once the school had acknowledged the presentation of the school into the general public, they would be given a fitting setting where they would gradually build up themselves. The establishment itself has a group of coaches who are required to convey quality training with which they can draw in more students. To empower this to turn into a reality, the moral contemplations that are set up ought to be those that the general public can withstand. As a dental school, the administration is relied upon to act as indicated by its ethical rules in order to have the option to draw in countless dental understudies to the school (Glenn and Rowe, 2010). Be that as it may, this may not be the situation since they don't have stable offices and need to, thusly, think of techniques however which to serve understudies
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Argumentative speech Essays
Factious discourse Essays Factious discourse Essay Factious discourse Essay Exposition Topic: Factious Formal Outline: Argumentative Exercise Topic: The incorporation of electronic cigarettes in Idaho State Universitys smoking boycott. Broadly useful: To Argue Specific Purpose: To persuade the crowd that Idaho State University ought exclude electronic cigarettes in its smoking boycott. Proposal Statement: Electronic cigarettes ought not be remembered for Idaho State Universitys smoking boycott since: (1) the utilization of electronic cigarettes assists smokers with stopping smoking; (2) electronic cigarettes are a less expensive option in contrast to tobacco; (3) electronic cigarettes don't represent any wellbeing dangers to onlookers from recycled smoke. Presentation I. Enticement ] Are you genuinely worried about your wellbeing? II. [ Topic avocation ] Recently, Idaho State University has set up a smoking restriction nearby that incorporates electronic cigarettes. A. Despite the fact that they can't be showcased as a smoking suspension gadget, electronic cigarettes assist clients with stopping smoking. B. Idaho State President Arthur Vailas says the arrangement is reliable with our attention on wellbeing and health. ( Idaho State Tribune, 2013) C. I will contend that electronic cigarettes don't force any undesirable wellbeing dangers to non-smokers and ought not be remembered for the boycott. Sick. [ Credibility articulation ]My name is Cameron. I was a smoker for more than twenty years. A. Electronic cigarettes gave me a more secure option in contrast to tobacco. B. I didn't need to stop without any weaning period. C. I would not be sans smoke today on the off chance that it wasnt for electronic cigarettes. D. I have attempted nicotine patches, pharmaceuticals, and capsules. IV. [Thesis proclamation ] Idaho State University ought exclude electronic cigarettes in the smoking boycott. A. To begin with, electronic cigarettes can assist smokers with stopping smoking. B. Furthermore, Electronic cigarettes are by a long shot, a less expensive option in contrast to tobacco. C. In conclusion, notwithstanding the resistances guarantee, electronic cigarettes don't represent any wellbeing dangers to non-smokers hrough recycled smoke. Progress: Many associations and organizations offer individuals approaches to assist them with stopping smoking. Albeit electronic cigarettes are not to be advertised as helping individuals to stop smoking, they have been considered and demonstrated to be a compelling other option, which is my first contention. Body l. [Constructive argument] Electronic cigarettes have been demonstrated to assist smokers with stopping smoking Just as successfully if not more, than patches. A. An examination in New Zealand, detailed that following a half year of study, electronic cigarettes had a stopped pace of 7. 3% versus 5. 8% of those that were given patches (Simon, malignant growth. rg, Sept 2013). 1 . The test was given to 657 smokers. 2. Study went on for a half year B. Utilizing e-cigarettes cuts mean utilization by two cigarettes for every day more than the fix (Phend, MedPagetoday, Sept 2013). Change: So you can see that reviews have demonstrated that e-cigs are a dependable technique for smoking end. My subsequent contention will snow now e-cigs are an increasingly reasonable approach to stop smoking. II [Constructive argument] Using electronic cigarettes is by a long shot a less expensive road to go down than utilizing pharmaceuticals or nicotine patches. A. At Walgreens, their conventional box of 170 bits of nicotine gum costs $49. 9(walgreens. com Oct 2013). 1 . Suggested measurements is at any rate 9 pieces per day for the initial a month and a half. 2. In a normal month, a client can hope to expend approximately a container and a half costing about $75. 00. B. For $65. 00, an e-cig client can buy 250 ml of Juice (ecblendflavors. com Sept 2013). 1. Normal clients have an utilization of 3-4 ml for each day (International Journal of Environmental research and general wellbeing, 2013). . For the $65. 00 spent, a client is provided for almost 63 days. Progress: It is anything but difficult to see that stopping smoking with electronic cigarettes is less expensive than regular strategies for stopping. In conclusion, I will address the contention of the individuals who restrict exclu ding e-cigs in the boycott. Sick. [Refutative argument] Those who bolster the boycott of electronic cigarettes nearby state that it represents a wellbeing danger to non-smokers, I have two motivations to differ with that. A. [Attack the evidence] My first motivation to not concur that e-cigs force a wellbeing danger to non-smokers, is an essential absence of proof to help the case. . In October of 2012, The Center for Air Resources Science and Engineering, from Clarkston University in New York, partook in an examination to test the discharged fume of electronic igarettes (informahealthcare. com Oct, 2012). a. The investigation was done in a little room. b. Discovered no evident hazard to human wellbeing. propylene 2. The primary fixing in the electronic cigarette fluid is glycol (ecblendflavorshop. com) a. Additionally the principle fixing in mist machines. b. Has been affirmed by the FDA as a sheltered element for food and medication since 1973(U. S. Food and Drug Administration 20 06) B. Assault reasoning] Secondly I need to differ with the boycott of electronic cigarettes, since they force a wellbeing hazard from recycled smoke, is the way that on the off chance that they represent no hazard in a little encased oom, at that point they without a doubt dont represent a hazard outside. C. [Denial] Finally, I differ that electronic cigarettes represent a hazard to non-smokers from recycled smoke basically in light of the fact that there is no recycled smoke. C. I . 1 . Conventional cigarettes require the client to consume the tobacco. C. I . 1 . a. This creates a steady stream of smoke loaded with cancer-causing agents. C. I . 1 . b. The smell waits noticeable all around and will in general remain around for significant stretches of time. C. I . 2. Electronic cigarettes don't consume anything. C. I . 2. a. The fume is atomized on a loop through a positive and negative charge. C. 1 . 2. b. There is no consistent wellspring of exhaust. D. [Impact statement] To sum up this data, electronic cigarettes represent no noteworthy wellbeing danger to non-smokers rather give a compelling choice to enable clients to stop. Progress: It is evident that the use of electronic cigarettes in actuality don't force any huge wellbeing danger to non-smokers. I might want to return over the reasons that Idaho State University ought exclude them in the smoking prohibition nearby. End l. [Summary of principle ideas] I have given you three reasons that Idaho State University ought exclude electronic cigarettes in the smoking boycott. A. First explanation is, e-cigs ave been demonstrated as ettective, it not more, than different methods ot helping clients quit smoking. B. Second, I planted you how much less expensive it is to seek after electronic cigarettes over different methods for stopping. C. Third, I discussed how indeed, there are no critical wellbeing dangers from recycled smoke of electronic cigarettes. II. [Closing statement] I am not saying I imagine that the grounds ought to be a smoking grounds, I am basically expressing that the college ought exclude electronic cigarettes into the boycott. Idaho State Latest Campus to Adapt Smoking Ban Idaho Press Tribune. Idaho Press Tribune, Aug 25 2012. idahopress. com/news/state/idaho-state-most recent grounds to-receive smoking-boycott. Web. Oct 24 2013. Simon, Stacey. Study Compares E-cigarettes to Quit-smoking Aids American Cancer Society. American Cancer Society, Sept 10 2013. disease. rg/malignant growth/news/studycomparese-cigarettestoquit-smokingaids. Web. Oct 18 2013. Phend, Crystal. E-cigarette Might Help Smoker Quit MedPage Today. MedPage Today. Sept 7 2013. medpagetoday. com/MeetingCoverage/ERS/41439. web. oct 18 2013. Walgreens Nicotine Gum, 4 mg Original Walgreens Pharmacy. Walgreens Pharmacy. walgreens. om/store/c/walgreens-nicotine-gum%2c-4-mg-unique/ID=prod1650107-item. web. oct 25 2013. 7 Leaf Tobacco Blend EC Blend. ecblen dflavors. com. ecblendflavors. com/7-leaf-tobacco-mix eliquid-flavor/. Web. Oct 29 2013. Environ, J. Assessment of Electronic Cigarette Use (Vaping) Topography and Estimation of Liquid Consumption: Implications for Research Protocol Standards Definition and for Public Health Authorities Regulation International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013. www. mdpi. com/Journal/iJerph. Web. Oct 15 2013. T. R. McAuley, P. K. Hopke, J. Zhao, S. Babaian. Correlation of the impacts Ofe-cigarette fume and tobacco smoke on indoor air quality. Informa Healthcare. October 2012. http:mnformahealthcare. om/douabs/10. 3109/08958378. 2012. 724728. web. oct 25 2013 Propylene Glycol FDA. US Food and Drug Administration. 1973. http://www. accessdata. fda. goWscripts/fcn/fcnDetailNavigation. cfm? web. oct 25 2013. Enthymemes Categorical Enthymeme Major Premise: Smoking has recycled negative reactions. Minor Premise: Electronic Cigarettes are a type of smoking. End: Electronic Cigarettes nave negative side ettects T 1 . The terms are in the right spot. Sig nificant term (negative reactions) is in the significant reason and the end. Minor term (Electronic Cigarettes) is in the minor reason and the end. Center term (smoking) is in the major and minor reason. 2. The center term is utilized in its all inclusive sense. 3. Both the significant reason and the end are negative. Significant Premise: Second hand smoke causes wellbeing dangers to non-smokers. Minor reason: Electronic Cigarettes produce recycled smoke. End: Electronic Cigarettes cause wellbeing dangers to non-smokers. Tests: 1. Each term is utilized twice. 2. The end is negative after the significant reason. 3. Just three terms show up.
Code of Ethics Apex Inc.
Code of Ethics Apex Inc. Peak Inc. is a data innovations organization that creates programming answers for emergency clinics and other medicinal services associations. Specifically, the results of this association are utilized for such purposes as telemedicine, information the executives, electronic exchange of patientsââ¬â¢ information, and other purposes.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Code of Ethics: Apex Inc. explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The principle clients of our items are clinical specialists. The accompanying code of morals directs the activities of this association and its representatives. Respectability and relationship with clients Our organization will reveal data about the potential favorable circumstances and hindrances of our items, on the grounds that our clients depend on the precision of information that we give to them. The client of Apex Inc. won't need to confront any concealed costs that can be identified with the advancement of programmi ng arrangements. The items created by Apex Inc. will be planned for addressing the necessities of clients, specifically clinical laborers. In addition, we won't endeavor to lessen the expense of improvement to the detriment of patientsââ¬â¢ prosperity. Peak Inc will guarantee the secrecy of our customers, their money related execution, or whatever other information that be utilized against clinics or their patients. Our organization will endeavor to comply with the time constraints and necessities that our customers will set and caution them about the potential difficulties. Corporate social duty and HR approaches Apex Inc. will advance decent variety in their work environment. Specifically, the authoritative arrangements of the organization will forbid each type of victimization representatives that can be founded on sexual orientation, race, incapacity, religion or whatever other models that are immaterial to the exhibition of a specialist. The organization will present precise and target execution evaluation techniques that consider the commitment of every specialist. The chiefs of the organization will be obliged to legitimize the explanations behind the end of employeeââ¬â¢s contract or the advancement of a specialist. The representatives of Apex Inc. are obliged educate the bosses or HR directors about the infringement of legitimate or moral principles. Individuals, who do it, might decide to stay mysterious, on the off chance that they need to. Zenith Inc. is dependable to forestalling any type of oppression informants or individuals who advise administrative organizations about potential misbehaviors. The cooperation with administrative and non-legislative association The organization will be obliged to reveal any sort of data that can be legally necessary implementation offices of the United States. Summit Inc. will create programming arrangements and data innovations that present least danger to nature and to the clients of our items. The organ ization won't question the unionization of their representatives. Additionally, it will set up close organization with ecological offices, buyer affiliations, and worker's guilds. Pinnacle Inc. will completely unveil data that is identified with the monetary presentation of the organization. Colleagues Contractors and colleagues of Apex Inc. are relied upon to arrive at the equivalent moral principles that the organization sets for its workers or official officials. Given that the contractual workers or specialists of Apex Inc become occupied with dishonest practices, the organization will end the relations with these associations or people. Along these lines, this code of morals is identified with various components of corporate social duty, for instance, uprightness in relationship with customers, satisfactory pay of laborers, and the advancement of fairness in the work environment. In addition, this archive clarifies how the organization ought to interface with administrative and non-legislative associations like natural offices or worker's organizations.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Diversity Enhancement Programs at the Workplace Research Paper
Assorted variety Enhancement Programs at the Workplace - Research Paper Example The point of this work is to take a gander at a portion of the advantage programs utilized by association to improve decent variety at the work environment. The writing survey takes a gander at the advancement decent variety and a portion of the advantage programs utilized by present day associations to upgrade assorted variety. This investigation accumulated information through subjective research strategy. Surveys gather data from staff and the executives. Subjective research procedure will be upheld by interpretive investigation approach. The exploration discovers jobs played by advantage programs in upgrading decent variety. Aftereffects of this paper are important and crucial to partners in the cutting edge dynamic workplace. Affirmation Table of Contents Employee Diversity Benefit Program Questionnaire 23 Introduction According to Rasmussen, 1996, p. 274, decent variety is the mosaic of people who pass on a collection of settings, techniques, viewpoints, and standards as assets to the groups and associations with which they relate. There are numerous purposes behind the ascent in assorted variety at the work environment. Among them is the deluge of more workers, corporate key coalitions, and quest for aptitudes over the globe, utilizing a different work power as a result of purposeful activity programs, and the developing globalization of organizations. ... In this way, the administration needs to evaluate its advantage projects to keep up its bearing to their workers. As assorted variety develops, associations keep on concentrating on how they can make it a business case particularly on how organizations can successfully use decent variety for upper hand. Decent variety is getting affirmation as an asset equipped for adding and adding to the companyââ¬â¢s benefits. Assorted variety is rising nearly as quickly as the quantity of programming venders at a bookkeeping gathering (Talbot-Allen, 1995, p. 3) According to Clarke (1995, p. 13), it is basic, accordingly, for organizations and organizations to take measures to empower and advance decent variety in the work setting. Overseeing decent variety is a test just as an open door for organisationââ¬â¢s the board. It requires hierarchical alterations that encourage a social foundation that acknowledges divergences and enhances the capability of all. A proactive concentration to assort ed variety breeds upper hand consequently offering the association a chance. In an association, each portion finds, portrays, and sorts out its comprehension in particular manners (Fine, Johnson, and Ryan, 1990, p.306, 317). HR agents are driving the way of life change by building up a decent variety dream to put the stage for fruitful assorted variety the board. Preparing and refinement on assorted variety ought to recognize that people are extraordinary and react in various manners and henceforth the executives should attempt to facilitate the contact. Decent variety relates gaining from others, nobility and regard for all, and creating work environment settings and strategies that cultivate learning and retain the advantage of assorted perspectives.
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Avoid Beginning with Too Many Is
Blog Archive Monday Morning Essay Tip Avoid Beginning with Too Many Is Although putting yourself at the center of the stories in your MBA application essays is certainly important, a common problem business school applicants have is beginning too many sentences with the word âI.â As a general rule, you should never have two sentences in a row that begin this way. Consider the following example: âI worked for three years at ABC Plastics, a small injection molding company. I was responsible for overseeing the overall management of ABC Plastics, from day-to-day operations to strategic planning. I managed 100 people. I worked very long hours, but I learned more than I could have ever imagined.â Now consider the same statement reworked to avoid using the word âIâ at the beginning of subsequent sentences: âFor three years, I worked at ABC Plastics, a small injection molding company. My responsibilities at ABC included overseeing the overall management of the company, from day-to-day operations to strategic planning. Because I supervised more than 100 staff members, my days were long, but the experience taught me more than I could have ever imagined.â As you can see, the second example reads much better than the firstâ"and none of the sentences in the second example begin with âI.â Share ThisTweet Monday Morning Essay Tips
Thursday, July 2, 2020
The History and Impact of War on the Growth of the Military - 1100 Words
The Impact of War on the Growth of the Military: The history of U.S. military (Essay Sample) Content: The Impact of War on the Growth of the MilitaryName:Institution:The Impact of War on the Growth of the MilitaryWar is perceived as one of the tragic things that can happen to a nation. It bears numerous effects including economic setback, deaths, casualties and disappearances among others. However, being involved in this significant course, the military sector is affected in one way or another. In the United States, each of the military branch play a vital role in ensuring that there is safety and defense in assigned places (Field, 2008). Since the inception of U.S military and through to the twenty first century, things within the sector kept on changing significantly. Looking deeper into two different conflicts which involved the U.S, it will be easy to elaborate on the growth and development of the U.S military from its inception through the twenty first century.The history of U.S militaryThe United States had come out as new nation which fought the Great Britain f or its independence around year seventeen seventy five to seventeen eighty three., via the monumental American Civil War that happened around eighteen sixty one and eighteen sixty five. In addition, there was collaboration in conquest during the World War II in the year nineteen forty one to nineteen forty five to the sole remainder superpower of the world in the late twentieth century as well as twenty first century (O'Hanlon, 2014). The Continental Army was established in the seventeen seventy-five by the Continental Congress, naming the commander to be General George Washington. The freshly formed army in conjunction with militia forces as well as navy and French army, conquered against the British n seventeen eighty-one. When a new president was elected in seventeen eighty-nine, he was made the commander in chief having power for the Congress in levying taxes, making laws as well as declaring war. Currently, the United Statesà ¢Ã¢â ¬ military includes Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force. This is under the authority of United States Department of Defense. There also exists U.S Coast Guard that is controlled through the Homeland Security department. The president still remains the commander in chief as he practices control via Secretary of Defense as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman that supervises combat actionsThe conflictsVietnam WarOrigin of conflictThe war in Vietnam lasted for not less than two decades, being long, costly as well as armed conflict, which pitted the regime of communist of North Vietnam plus the southern allies called Viet Cong. These were against South Vietnam together with its main collaborator, the United States. The war started in nineteen fifty-four after Ho Chi Minh rose to power through his Viet Minh party that was communist-based, in the North Vietnam. The war proceeded against the background of a strong cold war between two influential global superpowers, The Soviet Union and United States. Around three million p eople that included fifty-eight thousand Americans had been killed. Moreover, more than a half of those killed were civilians of Vietnam. Around nineteen sixty nine, the United States had become more involved in the war and thus deployed over five hundred thousand United States personnel of military in Vietnam. This had led to development of opposition by the Americans back at home regarding involvement of war. Therefore, President Nixon made an order for the military group to withdraw around nineteen seventy-three. In nineteen seventy-five, the communist forces got hold of Saigon and that brought Vietnam War into an end, leaving the country united and became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the year that followed.Contributions of the war to military developmentThis experience was a great one for the U.S military to learn from, even though some of them must have been killed. They were involved in war against another superpower, meaning that they had so many challenges on the gro und. However, the war must have left them tough and determined than ever. Even though they had to leave the battle field due to the presidentà ¢Ã¢â ¬s order that resulted from Americansà ¢Ã¢â ¬ increasing pressure, they had also played a great role on the ground. Even though great challenges could have been in their way, they were only to shape them for future encounters. One of the main U.S military branches that was very active was the U.S Air force (Prorok, 2016). The United States Air forces seemed to have been shaped by this war through the task that they had to perform. For instance, between nineteen sixty five and nineteen seventy three, the Air forces of United States had dropped about eight million tons of bombs within Vietnam. Moreover, on the southern side, the forces of United States also used about twenty million gallons full of herbicides in nineteen sixty two to nineteen seventy one. This took place more specifically around the Northern side of Saigon as well a s along Cambodia and Laos boarders.Civil warOrigin of the conflictThe civil war took place around eighteen sixty one and eighteen sixty five as about eleven states had seceded in forming the Americaà ¢Ã¢â ¬s Confederate States. They had been spurred in leaving by the President Abraham Lincolnà ¢Ã¢â ¬s election around November eighteen sixty plus by hostilities outbreak in April eighteen sixty one (Allenby, 2015). The issue of slavery is featured a lot in this scenario and could have been one of the main issues that caused beginning of war. After around four years full of bloody war, the union finally forced the Confederacy surrender on ninth of April eighteen sixty five. However, celebrations of victory were merred through assassination of after several days. Even though before he died, Lincoln had said that Civil war had brought about "new birth of freedomà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã , it threw along a shadow regarding the history of South as well as its legacy, shaping much of the consequ ent progression of the nation of America.Contributions of war in military developmentCivil war was evidently both an experience and a learning platform as well, for the U.S military involved. These were all Americans that had differed opinions and thus causing mayhem that eventually breaks out into war. The main military branch featured here is the Army, even though they were from different departments (Schlight, 2015). The Union Army being the land force involved in fighting for the Union in times of Civil war, included United State...
Monday, May 25, 2020
Drug Abuse On The Workplace Essay - 1704 Words
Drug Abuse in the Workplace: The human resource topic I chose to write my research paper on is ââ¬Å"Drug Abuse in the Workplaceâ⬠. Drug abuse in the workplace is something very common that many of us will encounter at some point. Alcohol and drug abuse has a major effect on employee absence and lost productively that leaves a negative working environment. It is important a company addresses the right guidelines to keep a drug free workplace. Establishing a clear and fair substance abuse policy and providing frequent drug testing can help with these issues. Drug abuse has proven to be a result of work related stress; companies that provide employee awareness training help teach employees how to better manage these issues. Substance Abuse in the workplace in one of the top concerns in the United States today ââ¬Å"Studies show that 73 percent of drug users are employees, costing American businesses billions of dollars annually in lost production and staffing costs (Walsh).â⬠These are some of th e few topics I will be addressing in my research paper. In order to understand what effects drugs have on the workplace, you must first understand how drugs affect the human body. ââ¬Å"Most abused drugs directly or indirectly target the brain s reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure. When drugs enter the brain, they canShow MoreRelatedIntroduction Of Drugs And Alcohol Essay1392 Words à |à 6 Pages Introduction to Drugs and Alcohol 2 Overview 2 I. Workplace Factors 3 II. Workplace Performance Behavior 4 III. 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Studies reveal that employees who abuse drugs have a tremendously harmful effect on the workplaceââ¬âthey are more likely to have extended absences from work, show up lateRead MoreEmployee Drug Testing: Fair and Effective Essay1648 Words à |à 7 Pagesdollars are spent to pay for the unnecessary expenses caused by drug-impaired employees. Workers whose performances are negatively altered by drug use contribute to losses in business productivity and assist in lowering workplace safety. On average, according to the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), $100 billion is lost per year due to accidents, decreases in productivity, and other related expenses caused by incompetent, drug abusing employees (ââ¬Å"Coalitionsâ⬠). However, through a thoughtfulRead MoreDrug And Alcohol Testing On The Work place1663 Words à |à 7 PagesDrug and Alcohol Testing in the Workplace Due: Monday Dec 1, 2014 COMM-220-F Rebecca Walsh By Brett Tate and Brandon Bracko November 17, 14 Introduction People often question drug and alcohol testing in the work place. It is a controversial subject that has a range of mixed emotions. But where do you draw the line when it comes to crossing the boundaries of prying into oneââ¬â¢s personal life? This report will explain the legal, and ethical issues surrounding the topic of drug and alcohol testing inRead MoreDrug Testing in the Workplace1281 Words à |à 6 PagesDrug Testing in the Workplace Thesis statement: Administering a drug and alcohol policy can be challenging, but it can also be beneficial to the manufacturing company. I. Administering a drug and alcohol policy can be challenging. A. The company must comply with State and Federal laws when administering the drug and alcohol policy. B. The company must make sure the implementation of the test is done in a uniform manner. C. Some employees may bring law suits against the employerRead MoreDrug Testing And The Workplace1394 Words à |à 6 Pagesmonitor substance abuse in the workplace. The implementation of drug testing by companies grew in recent years. American workers have seen a dramatic increase in the use of drug testing in the previous years. Drug testing is implemented to assure safe workplaces for American workers. Drug testing can reduce the companyââ¬â¢s health care and insurance costs. Even though drug testing has become common in the workplace, there is little research that exists regarding this matter. Overall, drug testing affectsRead MoreSubstance Abuse Among Nurses Essay920 Words à |à 4 PagesIntroduction Over the years, substance abuse in the United States has become a persistent issue affecting many individuals. In 2008, it was estimated that 17.8 million Americans over the age of 18 where substance dependent (Epstein, Burns, Conlon, 2010). Many of these individuals being affected are nurses. Ponech (2000) stated that approximately 10% of the nursing population has alcohol or drug abuse problems, and 6% has problems serious enough to interfere with their ability to practice (asRead MoreThe American Psychiatric Association s Dsm V ( 2013 )1702 Words à |à 7 Pageshealth departments are struggling to mitigate the health threats presented by substance abuse and addiction. While detailed longitudinal data is unavailable, many areas that report increased rates of drug abuse also report increased hospital admissions and accidental deaths. While the relationship between these outcomes is not explicit, it is important to implement interventions that address health issues related to drug related injuries. The first, ACHESS, an employee assistance program, utilizes organizational
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. an Internship Report - 6090 Words
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. An Internship Report Giselle Charisma Sequeira SSN: 889-94-0978 In Partial Fulfillment of the Masterââ¬â¢s Program in Business Administration, Ohio University, Athens, USA OHIO University Christ College Academy for Management Education Christ College Campus, Hosur Road, Bangalore-29 April 2007 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Completing a task is never a solo effort. It is often the result of invaluable contributions by a number of individuals in a direct or indirect manner, which helps in the shaping and achievement of success. Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Nilesh Nekaljay, Manager (TD) for granting me the opportunity to undertake an internship at the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ltd. 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There exists a huge gap between the demand and supply of oil and gas in India. The country imports more than 70% of its crude oil requirements. In the year 2005, oil and gas accounted for 38% of primary energy consumption in India, followed by coal at 55%. The oil and gas industry is broadly classified into Upstream, MidstreamShow MoreRelatedPromotion Policy of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd8041 Words à |à 33 PagesACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Ms. Milisha Verma for making my internship at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, (Western Region), Worli a memorable experience. Under her guidance I was able to meet the heads of various departments who spared us their precious time and effort that we may understand the importance and role of human resource department. This report has been prepared for the internship that has been done in the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Mumbai in order to study the practical aspect of the courseRead Moreââ¬Å"Ratio Analysis and Comparative Study of Financials of Iocl with Its Competitorsâ⬠13708 Words à |à 55 PagesSummer Training Project Report On ââ¬Å"Ratio Analysis and Comparative Study of Financials of IOCL with its Competitorsâ⬠Submitted for partial fulfilment of the Award Of Master of Business Administration DEGREE (2011-2013) SUBMITTED BY ARUSHIBHUTANI 1103270034 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Internal Guide:JayaPandey School of Management ABES ENGINEERING COLLEGE, GHAZIABAD AFFILIATED TO MAHAMAYA TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, NOIDA Candidateââ¬â¢s Declaration/Certificate I ââ¬Å"ARUSHI BHUTANIâ⬠herebyRead MoreSample Letter For A College Library Project3736 Words à |à 15 Pagesindirectly helped me in completion of the project especially my parents peers who supported me throughout my project. CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I MR.SAQUIB IQBAL has successfully completed the SUMMER INTERNSHIP IN HEAVY ENGINEERING CORPORATION LTD.for fulfillment of requirement for the award of POST GRADUATION in ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING prescribed by the AMITY UNIVERSITY This project is the record of authentic work carried out during the academic year (2014-2015)Read MoreProject Report on Dabur Company7854 Words à |à 32 PagesSUMMER PROJECT REPORT ON FINANCIAL MODELING OF DABUR Under the guidance of Mr.DheerajVaidya, Director Corporate Bridge Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. In partial fulfilment of the requirements For the award of MASTER IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES(MMS) (Affiliated to university of Mumbai) VIVEKANAND EDUCATION SOCIETYââ¬â¢S INSTITUTE OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH CHEMBUR, MUMBAI Submitted by Sumit B. 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Most of the brand recall we have is simply because these slogans, taglines and phrases have been bombarded at us so often, itââ¬â¢s hard to forget them.Read MoreMarketing Strategy of India Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd.13976 Words à |à 56 Pagesmasterpieces; after all it is one of the largest most expensive commodities. Automotive advertising has yet to take off creatively in India. Despite the loads of money spent, currently there isnââ¬â¢t a single memorable automotive ad targeted at an Indian audience that I can recall. And the single largest objective of an advertisement is brand recall. Most of the brand recall we have is simply because these slogans, taglines and phrases have been bombarded at us so often, itââ¬â¢s hard to forget them.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Alcoholism And Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Essay
Most consumers of alcohol do not suffer adverse consequences. Individuals with excessive drinking patterns, nevertheless, have an elevated risk for alcohol-linked problems ranging from social to health issues. Alcohol abusers are a sub-population of alcoholic or alcohol-dependent individuals. However, the terms ââ¬Å"abuse of alcoholâ⬠and ââ¬Å"alcohol dependenceâ⬠are dissimilar (Harford Muthen, 2001). Consequently, alcohol abusers may drink excessively without being dependent. In addition, alcohol abuse includes numerous outcomes and patterns while alcohol dependence or alcoholism involves specific diagnostic criteria (Harford Muthen, 2001).The peculiarity between alcohol abuse and alcoholism is significant from the perspective of biopsychology and treatment. Thus, interventions applied to alcohol abusers may be inadequate for alcoholic individuals. Conversely, measures that address alcoholism are mostly unsuitable for the majority of alcohol abusers. A clear understanding of the brain functions is crucial to understanding the addictive behavior. Although the brain has objective realities, the analysis of human behavior requires a subjective approach. Hence, the study of alcoholism requires a holistic approach in order to achieve full comprehension. According to the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP) (2015), there are three methodological factors used to assess alcohol addiction. The elements are the reliability of the assessment technique, the episodic course ofShow MoreRelatedAlcoholism and Alcohol Abuse1492 Words à |à 6 Pagesmortality rates due to alcohol-related accidents and health issues are close to 35,000â⬠(ââ¬Å"Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse). This fact explains how many problems come along with alcohol abuse, and tell about health issues and accidents that could be caused by alcohol. Alcohol can be very dangerous and threaten the lives of people even if they are not the one consuming alcohol. Wrec ks often happen and kill innocent people as a result of people drinking and driving. There are many alcohol related deaths inRead MoreAlcoholism and Alcohol Abuse1082 Words à |à 5 Pagesan addiction to alcohol. This drug can be a mild to chronic addiction and sometimes can turn out fatal for some people (Chakraburtty). Almost 100,000 people have died from overusing this drug (Chakraburtty). Alcoholism and alcohol abuse is not only damaging emotionally, physically, and mentally to the person who is doing it, but to the people around them as well. Both alcoholism and alcohol abuse are each categorized as different cases. Alcohol abuse is different from alcoholism because people whoRead MoreAlcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Abuse1458 Words à |à 6 PagesThe alcohol abuse definition is similar to alcoholism in that in both cases alcohol is causing harm to the drinker s life and those around them. The difference is that those who abuse alcohol, but are not yet alcoholics, typically can put some limitations on their drinking and they have not yet become physically addicted to alcohol. The key to the alcohol abuse definition is not in the amount of alcohol consumed but on how it affects an individual. Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis in whichRead MoreAlcohol Alcoholism And Alcohol Abuse Essay1319 Words à |à 6 PagesAlcoholism and alcohol abuse are different, although they have several connected characteristics, including genetics, how you were raised, social environment, and emotional health. Some of the following are in dicators of alcohol abuse e.g., craving alcohol, having tried to quit in the past, but could not, spending longer time drinking than you expected, or continuing to drink even though it causes trouble with family or friends. An alcoholic is someone who has no control over alcohol and is unableRead MoreEffects Of Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism1446 Words à |à 6 Pageswork, a person should understand the effects of alcohol, not only on an individual, but also the effects on the families. Alcohol is one of the many substances that people use and abuse. Since alcohol is legal for any one over the age of twenty-one, many people begin drinking and then develop an addiction to the substance (Goldberg, 2016). Alcoholism effects people of all ages, background, social status, or ethnic group (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2016). A social worker should understand howRead MoreEssay on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse2432 Words à |à 10 PagesAlcohol is the number one drug problem among Ameri caââ¬â¢s youth. More senior high school students use alcohol than any other psychoactive drug. Family doctors, pediatricians, schoolteachers, and parents know that alcohol is overwhelmingly the drug of choice among todayââ¬â¢s youth, although trendier substances such as cocaine are often given more attention in the headlines (Carla Felsted, p. vii). Furthermore, it is widely acknowledged that drinking alcohol is a part of the youth culture in America;Read More Alcohol Abuse: Alcoholism as a Disease Essay2176 Words à |à 9 PagesThe problem of alcohol abuse has been recognized for thousands of years, but only more recently have we begun to see alcohol addiction as a treatable disorder. According to the Classical Disease Model of `Alcoholism, habitual use of alcohol can be identified as a disease. Websters Dictionary defines the concept of `disease as follows: Any departure from health presenting marked symptoms; malady; illness; disorder. Therefore, as many occurrences o f alcohol excess provoke such symptoms, it isRead MoreAlcohol Abuse Should Not Be Confused With Alcoholism Or Alcohol Dependence950 Words à |à 4 PagesAlcohol abuse should not be confused with alcoholism or alcohol dependence. It is important to note the difference between the three. It is predicted that alcohol abuse affects individual physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Although some psychological, physical and economical effects may occur with both, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence (alcoholism) for the purpose of this paper the alcohol abuse is the main focus. Introduction Alcohol abuse is a serious disease that impacts individualRead MoreAlcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Is A Big Part Of The Society Essay1410 Words à |à 6 PagesAlcohol has been a big part of the society. It is how people socialize whether they are a business meeting, a party, a bar, and many more places and events. They tend to consume alcohol without knowing and questioning how much they have had. A huge amount of the population have not asked themselves this question, ââ¬Å"Do I know what a standard drink is?â⬠According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholismââ¬â¢s (NIAAA) booklet Rethinking Drinking, ââ¬Å"Many people are surprised to learn what countsRead MoreAlcoholism : A Growing Problem1468 Words à |à 6 PagesAlcoholism Alcoholism is a growing problem in today s society. What is alcoholism? Is it a disease? What are the causes of it? What toll does alcohol abuse have on individuals? American society? American economy? What kind of treatments are available to reduce/cure alcoholism? What is alcoholism? Alcoholism is a physical or psychological need for an alcoholic beverage, which is taken for non-medical reasons and produces a noticeable effect on the body (Sheen 93). People develop the need for alcohol
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kurt Vonnegut s Slaughterhouse Five - 1901 Words
Kurt Vonnegut developed his view of America through a history of personal loss and trauma that was largely endured at the same time by his characters. As a child, Kurt Vonnegut lived in Indianapolis, Indiana, which he would use in many of his later novels. His father was a prominent architect, while his mother came from the family of a wealthy brewer. After the depression hit, his father lost his business and gave up, his mother became addicted to alcohol and prescription drugs. In his teen years, Vonnegut wrote for his high school newspaper and continued this interest when he went to Cornell. Vonnegut entered the army and was immediately captured by the Germans and sent as a POW to Dresden. While in Dresden, he was protected from theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Vonnegut died in April of 2007 after head injuries he sustained from a fall at his home a few weeks earlier. Vonnegut moved through life with contentious remarks on how he saw the human experience always relying on traumati c moments in his life as a backbone to how he should address the issues of the time. Kurt Vonnegut displays his view of America through his works, from major novels to lesser known short stories. Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegutââ¬â¢s most well renowned novel, focuses on Billy Pilgrim, a decidedly unremarkable man with a remarkable story. Pilgrim suffered through the turmoil of World War II as a an American POW in Germany, spent time in a veteranââ¬â¢s hospital for mental illness, and had his view of the world destroyed after a supposed months long alien abduction. In his abduction, Billy is told that time is not linear, it all occurs at the same time, only to be experienced by people a sliver at a time, refuting the concept of free will, a concept held dear to Vonnegut. The bombing of Dresden and Billyââ¬â¢s time there during World War II are the center of focus as Pilgrim is thrown around his timeline around the time of his encounter with the Tralfamadorians, the aliens who abducted him. Catââ¬â¢s Cradle focuses on the journey of Jonah, a writer attempting to research a fictional scientist who worked on the atomic bomb for his book. Jonah is put on a writing assignment in San Lorenzo, a fictional island nation thatââ¬â¢s ruled by a dictator
The Application Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With A...
The Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with a Homeless Veteran John is a 40-year-old Caucasian man who lives on the outskirts of town with a friend. He is a veteran, medically retiring from the National Guard after a traumatic injury received in combat. He has one son, Mike, who is studying at college some 200 miles away. Mike started this course a year ago. John is currently between homes and is getting assistance through the VA HUD/VASH housing program. He has always taken pride in his independence and work ethic, but lately has lost interest in this and feels it is too difficult for him because his son has left for college and his wife left them about a year after his return from Iraq. He has found it difficult to findâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He has also noticed a significant change in his sleep so that when he goes to bed he tosses and turns for at least an hour before falling to sleep. He then sleeps fitfully, waking up in the early hours of the morning on several occasions to go to the toilet before waking at around 7:00 a.m. When he wakes he is unable to get back to sleep and feels stressed and tense. He has begun to turn on the television so he can watch or listen to something, hoping to go back to sleep. Compensating for his problems of sleeplessness, he tends to sleep in during the day and not get up before noon. He also naps in the early evening and drinks more alcohol at night to help him relax. He has developed a taste for bourbon and what started out as a single shot has now grown to a pint and a fifth of whiskey. He has convinced himself that it helps him relax and sleep at night. However, he continues to feel tired. Previously he enjoyed running in the local park and swimming at the gym or in the nearby lake. However, he is finding this to be more and more difficult to do. His reduced activity strengthens his belief that he has become fat and lazy. Presenting Complaint At initial assessment, John complained of a 4-year history of depressive symptoms. These included low mood, fatigue, impairedShow MoreRelatedApplication Of A Good Therapist Essay1776 Words à |à 8 Pagestheory and concepts, research, and the application of that scholarship to clinical practice. My definition of a good therapist is someone who desires to improve the quality of peopleââ¬â¢s lives and enable an individual to function more effectively in society by encouraging personal growth. One area where I see a definitive need for this is in the military. The clinical problem I am most interested in addressing during the course of my program is the effective application of therapeutic treatments for PosttraumaticRead MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words à |à 1792 Pages 232. Requiring fair grievance and appeals mechanisms. Sec. 233. Requiring information transparency and plan disclosure. Sec. 234. Application to qualified health benefits plans not offered through the Health Insurance Exchange. Sec. 235. Timely payment of claims. Sec. 236. Standardized rules for coordination and subrogation of benefits. Sec. 237. Application of administrative simplification. Sec. 238. State prohibitions on discrimination against health care providers. Sec. 239. ProtectionRead MoreNursing Essay41677 Words à |à 167 PagesHanson, Georgia Southern University; William Baer and Lauren Peay, Arnold Porter, LLP; Ellen-Marie Whelan, Center for American Progress; Mark B. McClellan, The Brookings Institution; Mary D. Naylor, University of Pennsylvania; Ciaran S. Phibbs, Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Shoshanna Sofaer, City University of New York; Richard Blizzard, the Gallup Organization; Geraldine ââ¬Å"Pollyâ⬠Bednash and the staff of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing; Beverly Malone and the staff of the NationalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words à |à 1056 PagesAffirmative Action Plans 59 Demonstrating Comprehension: Questions for Review 80 Key Terms 80 81 HRM Workshop Linking Concepts to Practice: Discussion Questions 81 Developing Diagnostic and Analytical Skills 81 Case Application 3-A: Diversity Is the New Color This Year 81 Case Application 3-B: When Oversight Fails 81 Working with a Team: Whatââ¬â¢s Your Perception? 82 Learning an HRM Skill: Investigating a Harassment Complaint 82 Enhancing Your Communication Skills 83 DID YOU KNOW?: Suggestions for RecruitingRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 Pages The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pageslocalities and people rather than on the imaginaries of nation-to-nation flows. Recent social science and historical scholarship has already produced much excellent work on the migration networks that make up perspective 2, but the implications and application of a historical global perspective are much less developed. The two perspectives, however, are deeply complementary. A global picture provides the demographic, economic, and political context for understanding migrant networks that transcendRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words à |à 1422 Pagesreading ability and short term memory. a. Is the study described an observational study or an experiment? b. Is it reasonable to conclude that watching two or more hours of television is the cause of lower reading scores? Explain. Context Driven Applications Real data examples and exercises throughout the text are drawn from the popular press, as well as journal articles. ââ" ² Page 31 .........................................................................................................
Remote Sensing in India free essay sample
The evolution of National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS) towards fully harnessing the potentials of space remote sensing and the development of the series of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites, besides establishment of necessary ground based data establishment of necessary ground based data reception processing and issemination systems as well as remote sensing facilities at National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Space Applications Centre (SAC) and Regional Remote Sensing (Service Centres (RRSSCs) for efficient and effective analysis of remotely sensed data are the major steps accomplished in pursuit of this goal. With the establishment of Remote Sensing Applications Centres in several States under many Governmental organizations, remote sensing today has come to stay as an integral part of the national development efforts in the vital sectors of agriculture, hydrology, eology, forestry, oceanography, mineral resources and distaster management like drought, flood, cyclone, earthquake, landslides crop pests, forest fires etc. , thus touching every facet of national development. Today, India has acquired a strong self reliant base to harness the full potential of this technology and as a result, the national objective of achieving sustainable development at microlevel is being addressed through the integration of remotely sensed data with other relevant collateral information to arrive at locale specific, environment friendly, economically iable and culturally acceptable treatment packages (Rao, 1991 and Jayaramansn, el at 1993). Space and Ground Segments The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-A), the first in the operational series of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites launched in March 1988, has been functioning satisfactorily for the past 6 h year but still continues tpo provide quality data. The second satellite in the IRS series, IRS-IB, launched in August 1991, is performing very well. These two satellites have become the mainstay of the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) IRS-I All B provides imagery from the two ameras, linear Imaging Self Scanners, LISS-I with both the resolution 72. m and LISS- IA and LISS-IIB both with a resolution of 36. 25m. IRS-IA and 1B together provide imagery with a combined repetivity of 11 days. While IRS-IA has so far provided more than scenes, IRS-I B has provided more than scenes. The successful implementation of the operational IRS-IA 1B system in the country and the need to cater tot eh enhanced user demands in the 1990s has given rise to confguring th e second generation remote sensing satellitesm IRS-IC and ID taking in to account the echnology development scenario and user requirements during the nineties. The second generation of IRS Satellites namely IRs-1C and ID which are now under development for launch in 1995 and 1998 respectively have made very good progress more frequent revisits, stereo-viewing and onboard data recording facility. The imaging sensors planned for IRS-IC and ID are a multi-spectral Linear Imaging Self Scanner (LISS-3) in visible and near Ir bands, a short Wave infrared (SWIR) band, a panchromatic camera with stereo viewing capability and a Wide Field Sensor (WIFS) in visible and near IROayaraman et. 1992). It is also planned to have onboard data recording capabilities to record the pay load data for wider data coverage/ distribution. IRS-ID identical to IRS-IC will be in orbit to ensure data continuity beyond the mid nineties. The development flights of PSLV during the timeframe of 1994-96 are progressing well. The IRS-P2 will carry the payload flown onboard IRS-IA and 1B in order to provide continuity of data services to the remote sensing user community in t he country. The IRS-P3 will carry a payload mix of sensors for application related to oceanography and vegetation dynamics. esides a scientific payload is planned to be included of experimental studies in X-ray astronomy. Thus IRS-P3 will carry a Modular Optoelectronic canner (MOS), a Wide field Sensor (WiFS) ad an X-ray astronomy payload. The capability for microwave remote sensing has also been achieved in the India through development of airborne C-band SAR, multifrequency micro wave radiometer and multifrequency scatterometer. Based on the encouraging results obtained from several pilot scale studies on ocean applications and considering the serious interest in monitoring and forecasting of a sea state from meteorological oint of view, efforts are underway to realize and indigenously developed Oceansat. Data Reception, Processing and Dissemination The National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA), Hyderabad continued to acquire and archive data from Indian Remote Sensing Satellites, IRS-IA and IRS-IB. In addition, data from other contemporary satellites, viz, Landsat NOAA and ERS-I SAR are also being received. Augmention of ground segment elements for IRS-IC/I D data reception and processing is nearing completion. It is proposed to received SeaWiFS data after the launch SEASTAR satellite. Satellite data products are being disseminated to the users in the form of hotographic films, paper prints, CCTs floppy and cartridge products. About 705 of the user demands in the country is met by IRs-1A/1 B data. As part of aerial remote sensing programme, about 759 ours of aerial flying were undertake during the year mainly for aeromagnetic survey, town and country planning, sea level rise, oil exploration and metropolitan developments.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Applying Strategic Management Theories
Question: Discuss about the Applying Strategic Management Theories. Answer: Introduction: Management theories and concepts are integral part for any organisation. Managers of an organisation are responsible to undertake the various managerial activities that are best suitable for the organisation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the management and work culture at the online retail giant Amazon. An evaluation of the management activities carried on in this organisation shall be explored. Based on evaluation, certain recommendations shall be made that could be regarded as the best practice for the managers to undertake that would directly improve the workplace activities. Identification of problems from the case study: Analyzing the case study on Amazon, it has been observed that the organisation has been facing certain challenges in terms of its managerial activities. Poor condition of the employees: The management has been accused of tearing apart the business ideas of the employees along with secret transmission of messages inside the organisation (Kantor Streitfeld 2015). In fact, it has also been observed that the employees were facing major sabotage issues as well. The eligible employees are not recognized in the organisation while the poor performers are directly terminated from their posts Health and safety concerns at the workplace: Concerns related to the neglect of the occupational health and safety standards of the companys employees was evident. From the case study, it has also been observed that the situation of the employees working at the warehouses is even worse (Kantor Streitfeld 2015). The employees must work under very high temperature. Thus, with the overall analysis, the Company prioritizes focused on improving their relationship with customers to increase their profitability rather than improving the internal condition. iii. Domination of the leader: Jeff Bezos the Chief Executive Officer of Amazon has been declared as the fifth wealthiest man and his company has been doing their business successfully. Amazon has a huge customer base and has been successful in the field of online retail business (Kantor Streitfeld 2015). The Company has also gained fame in customer servicing as well. However, the companys success and profitable running is due entirely to the employees, but the organisation is degraded by not upholding the rights of their employees. The only thing that motivates the working employee is the Big Brand. More focus on improving internal organization: With the overall analysis of the case study it has been found that the CEO, Jeff Bezos does not undertake the popular managerial approaches like motivating employees or providing employees certain opportunities to take part in major business decision making towards the organisation. The Mr. Bezos has been found to look for better opportunities in terms of innovations and made approaches to expand the profitability of the organisation (Kantor Streitfeld 2015). Thus, it was clear that no such positive approach has been made to improve the condition of the employees. Therefore, it can be easily ascertaining that the management has always focused on improving the image of the organization among its stakeholders. Little attention has been made on the betterment of the employees. Application of management theories: Based on the problems identified above, several management theories can be proposed to improve the organisational situation. As it has been evident that the employees at the organisation do not enjoy any kind of benefits and to some extent the employees are not given the basic rights and opportunities to perform well in the organisation, which is important to motivate them. According to the expectancy theory, if the employees are treated well in an organisation, they can be expected to work with more efficiency in the organisation (Kantola 2015). Vrooms expectancy model is based on motivating the employees based on reward and recognition. It has been assumed that to motivate the employees, it is important to provide them reward at the right time. On the other hand, if the employees are not rewarded accordingly, they would not serve the organisation properly (Miner 2015). Various methods of rewarding include providing incentives and bonuses and also giving the eligible employees appropriate position promotions. The Schwartz value model, talks about motivating employees and its direct influence on the organisation. It has been stated that the performance of the employees depends on certain values. The management of the organisation is responsible for undertaking better approaches to meet with these desired values and improve the standard of the work (Modaff, Butler DeWine 2016). The employees should be served with some desired goals and objective. These values are depended on the importance of priorities and importance that shall eventually help to improve the overall organisational productivity (Morschett, Schramm-Klein Zentes 2015). According to this model, it is equally important that care should be given on the health and security of the employees that they appreciate the organisational contribution towards them (Ferlie and Rosenberg Hansen 2016). Leadership theory; Transformational leadership: The organisation still follows a strict bureaucratic leadership style and has prohibited the employees to make any kind of participation in creating any control or ownership over the organisational activities. Strict control is kept on monitoring the activities of the employees. There are various leadership styles that are practiced in an organisation. Bureaucratic leadership style is the type of leadership where the official duties are fixed to the higher authorities, these leaders are responsible for making major management decisions and the overall activities of the organisation (Nahavandi 2016). No authority is given to the employees of the organisation. Transformational leadership is the leadership approach where the higher authority works along with the employees and identify the changes needed in an organisation (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). In this respect, the eligible employees could easily guide the management in creating a better vision for the organisation and execute any kind of change that would drive the organisation in a positive direction. When transactional leadership attempts are made, there remain the chances of inclusion of better innovative ideas and benefits for the organisation. If the technological advancement of the organisation is taken into consideration, it must be said that the organisation has been utilizing every bit of technological advancement to improve their business activities (Latham 2014). The campus of the organisation is a big tech and has all the technological equipment installed that would make their work simpler, easier, and faster. The conventional leadership talks about the leadership approach inclined towards the use of technology. These types of leaders rely more on the advancement of technology rather than depending on their consumers (Harvey, Hill Landis 2014). These types of leaders are rather decisive and do not consult with others present in the organisation prior making any decision. These leaders are more focused on the ultimate result of the activity rather than undertaking the approach of understanding the needs of the employees. Proposed recommendations: Keeping the condition of the organisation and the leadership approach that is evident in the organisation, several recommendations can be made. Better leadership approach: As it has been found that Bezos has not been successfully acting as a good leader which has been evident from the poor condition of the employees, it is highly recommended that better leadership approach should be taken (Nahavandi 2016). This might require changing the organisational culture and the form of leadership style that the organisation is accustomed to. Therefore, it is recommended that the organisation would undertake transformational form of leadership where the employees shall also be given the opportunity to participate in the business activities. Introduction of motivational factors: The organisation lacks the factors that motivate the employees. The employees are not satisfied at all and there is urgent need of introducing certain motivational factors that would eventually create better opportunities for the employees to participate in the organisational business activities (Morschett, Schramm-Klein Zentes 2015). If the company undertakes this approach, it is expected that the employees will be boosted and their spirit to work for the organization would therefore increase. iii. Better health and safety standards r the employees: The organisation completely lacks any approach towards health and safety measures and the employees show their grievance towards the same. Amazon came under fire in 2011 when workers in an eastern Pennsylvania warehouse toiled in more than 100-degree heat with ambulances waiting outside, taking away labourers as they fell. After an investigation by the local newspaper, the company installed airconditioning (Kantor Streitfeld 2015) Therefore, to improve the performance of the employees they should be availed with proper resources that would take care of their health and safety needs (Ferlie Rosenberg Hansen 2016). So, undertaking better approach for improving safety measures is indeed important. Conclusion: With the detailed analysis on the case study, it has been found that the organisation lacks proper leadership approach and this is the reason the employees are found to suffer. There are other concerns as well that has de-motivated the employees to work for the organisation. Based on these findings, it has been recommended that the leader needs to come up with better leadership style along with certain motivational factors that would eventually help the employees to participate in the major organisational activities. This way, the organisation can improve its present condition. References: Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership. InTransformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition(pp. xxvii-xxxiii). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Kantola, J., 2015.Organizational Resource Management: Theories, Methodologies, and Applications. CRC Press. Kantor, J. and Streitfeld, D., 2015. Inside Amazon: Wrestling big ideas in a bruising workplace.New York Times,15, pp.74-80. Landis, E.A., Hill, D. and Harvey, M.R., 2014. A synthesis of leadership theories and styles.Journal of Management Policy and Practice,15(2), p.97. Latham, J.R., 2014. Leadership for quality and innovation: Challenges, theories, and a framework for future research.Quality Management Journal, 21 (1),5. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Modaff, D.P., Butler, J.A. and DeWine, S.A., 2016.Organizational communication: Foundations, challenges, and misunderstandings. Pearson. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. and Zentes, J., 2015.Strategic international management. Springer. Nahavandi, A., 2016.The Art and Science of Leadership -Global Edition. Pearson. Rosenberg Hansen, J. and Ferlie, E., 2016. Applying strategic management theories in public sector organizations: Developing a Typology.Public Management Review,18(1), pp.1-19. Tyssen, A.K., Wald, A. and Spieth, P., 2013. Leadership in temporary organizations: A review of leadership theories and a research agenda.Project Management Journal,44(6), pp.52-67.
Friday, April 17, 2020
Why MBA Essay Sample Focused in healthcare?
Why MBA Essay Sample Focused in healthcare?Medical writing has become a part of the economy. A lot of people require high quality documents to ensure their work is done right.These days, you need to write MBA essays as part of your practice or thesis, so that you can convince a prospective employer of your potential. Such documents are the backbone of any career. Moreover, in today's job market, these are probably the first things that a recruiter looks at when looking for new graduates.Nevertheless, you can still have trouble coming up with good academic essays. The reason being that so many students and graduates already possess the necessary skills. There are numerous universities who demand students to write their own papers, regardless of whether or not they know how to spell, fill in the blanks, or organize their thoughts. For those who lack these basic capabilities, there are ways on how to solve this issue.Of course, students can still find the correct way on how to write MBA essays. One easy method for you to understand is the one-sentence approach, which could still be difficult to perfect, but nonetheless, can give you some time. This approach entails you to try to explain what you want your essay to say in the simplest form possible. The important thing here is that you must use every single detail you can to give the reader a good understanding of your essay.The other way is to look for an example on how to write an MBA essay. Even if you are well aware of what you need to write about but can't write your essay, you can still look for the right examples to help you. These materials are often found in books that can help you get the ball rolling.In fact, you can also look at letters that you might have written before, and use this as a model of your personal statements. This way, you can know which type of format to use. When you look through them, you will be able to determine if you really need to spend time on the writing or not.Another way is to look for help from an experienced person, who is an expert on the subject. These people can be a great help. Their knowledge is normally helpful because they have years of experience in it. Of course, you might still want to do your own research.Here is an example on why MBA essay sample focused in HealthCarre was created. The purpose of this site is to educate students who do not know how to write an essay.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Sylvia Plath Comparison Essay free essay sample
Throughout time females have found it hard to achieve acceptance and accreditation in the world of poetry. However, two American female poets, who were born in the 1930ââ¬â¢s, did make a name for themselves. During this era of rapidly changing gender roles, social values and world politics, these women were able to produce a rich variety of poetry. These poets are known for their driven personalities and their captivating poems about alienation, life and death, imagery and transforming their reader into a world of discovery. Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠and Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠both share flower imagery, female personas, and display themes of life, but each poem differs in the way that they present very different perspectives on life. Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠and Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠both exhibit flower imagery but contrast in how they portray that image. Throughout ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s main depiction about the flowers is negative. We will write a custom essay sample on Sylvia Plath Comparison Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What the tulips represent is offensive to her. The reader is automatically given this image of a woman laying in a hospital bed, the woman is depressed, wanting to be empty and alone, however these bright red tulips are staring right back at her filled with life and feelings, just having bloomed from the winter. Plath describes the way the tulips make her feel in the fifth stanza: ââ¬Å"I didnââ¬â¢t want any flowers, I only wanted To lie with my hands turned up and be utterly empty. â⬠(29-30) These tulips to her represent the newness of life, love, and pureness; they are terrible to the woman. She feels that the flowers are something she cannot get back. Plath writes: ââ¬Å"The tulips are too red in the first place, they hurt me. Even through the gift paper I could hear them breathe Lightly, through their white swaddlings, like an awful baby. â⬠(36-38) On the other hand, Mary Oliver displays her flower imagery in a different respect. The flower imagery that is portrayed throughout her poem, ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠, shows holiness. The flowers are illustrated in a night scene and represent brightness, holiness, and life. Mary Oliver is trying to depict that the lowers embody enjoying life without fear of death. The light shown from the flowers represents the holiness of the lord, His ââ¬Å"invitationâ⬠. Oliver describes this representation in her sixth stanza: ââ¬Å"But I also say this: that light is an invitation to happiness, and that happiness. â⬠(21-24) Mary Oliver tries to show her reader that the poppies symbolize the distinct separation between life and death, that humans have to cherish life and not take it for granted. Oliver depicts this in the first stanza: ââ¬Å"The poppies send up their orange flares; swaying n the wind, their congregations are a levitation. â⬠(1-4) Again this quote is suggesting living your life without the fear of death or that terrifying things may happen; the vibrancy of the flowers show people that they perform their best for others to see. This differs from Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s use of flower imagery because they are two different views of life. The tulips to Sylvia Plath make her depressed; she feels that life has been taken away from her and that these tall, red and blossomed tulips show her the newness of life and love; what she canââ¬â¢t have. Lastly, the main parallels of flower imagery that the authors describe are that both flowers, the tulips and the poppies, represent life, holiness, and the state of their own hearts. Both poems, ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠, also demonstrate female personas. Persona is the way a reader can perceive the character in the poem; itââ¬â¢s how the character is presented to the reader. Throughout Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s Poem ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠the persona, who seems to be a depressed and sullen female, is trying to search for comfort and tranquility while being in the morose hospital. However, it is ruined once someone brings her the lively and colorful tulips, its here that she realizes she loathes life; itââ¬â¢s life that she cannot get back. These lines from ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠imply that the persona is emotional, that she has left reality behind; she can no longer live the way the tulips can live: ââ¬Å"The vivid tulips eat my oxygen. Before they came the air was clam enoughâ⬠¦ Then the tulips filled it up like a loud noise. â⬠(49-52) The persona in Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem, ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠, is quite different than Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s persona in ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠. Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s persona is confident and inspired by not taking life for granted. The persona wants to cherish life in everyway that she can, just as the Poppies do. She doesnââ¬â¢t want to regret or fear anything; she especially doesnââ¬â¢t want to fear death. Oliver describes this persona throughout the last three stanzas: ââ¬Å"But I also say this: that light is an invitation to happinessâ⬠¦ is a kind of holiness. â⬠(21-26) This strong female persona also suggests that death is inevitable, that there will always be a darkness that surrounds life. She believes that light and holiness are a sign of life, and darkness is the sign of death; she wants to life her life to the fullest and to seize every opportunity because life is so precious. These lines from ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠greatly describe what the persona is suggesting about the darkness and death: ââ¬Å"There isnââ¬â¢t a place In this world that doesnââ¬â¢t sooner or later drown in the indigos of darkness. â⬠(8-10) As the reader can see, both poems have strong female personas, however they differ completely in the way each one of the personaââ¬â¢s view life and death. Sylvia Plath and Mary Oliver poems both display themes of life, however their views on life contrast. In ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠the flowers symbolize the desire for either life or death. In Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poem, ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠, the flowers are symbolizing life and that is the issue with the persona throughout the poem. What the tulips are representing is offensive to the persona; she now feels isolation and suffering due to the vivid brightness of these flowers. Plath writes: ââ¬Å"The tulips are too red in the first place, they hurt me. â⬠(36) Comparably, in Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠the flowers represent liveliness and holiness. The flowers in the poem are depicting the light of life, the holiness it holds. Mary Oliver explains this in the second stanza: ââ¬Å"of bright dust, of thin and lacy leaves. â⬠(5-6) As the reader can see the theme of life in ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠is different than the one in ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠. The difference is that the flowers in Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem are further symbolizing the beauty and preciousness of life. To not take anything for granted, death is inevitable, and to cherish every moment like itââ¬â¢s your last. There is a positive theme of life in ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠unlike the negative one in ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠. In conclusion, Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠and Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠both share flower imagery, female personas, and present the theme of life, but as the reader depicts the each poem they differ in the way that they present very different perspectives on life. Sylvia Plathââ¬â¢s view on life isnââ¬â¢t joyful. She is depressed and feels threatened by the liveliness that the flowers represent. These feelings and the way Sylvia Plath views life are shown through her poem ââ¬Å"Tulipsâ⬠. Contrasting, Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s view on life in her poem ââ¬Å"Poppiesâ⬠is to never regret and to always seize opportunities. She doesnââ¬â¢t want to take life for granted because she knows death is inevitable. She wants people to look into the light, the joy of life, and to live life to the fullest. Both American female poets are still known today for the captivating poems suggesting their views on life death; Sylvia Plath and Mary Oliver rose to the challenge of being phenomenal female writers during a time of change in America.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Discomfort and Discomfiture
Discomfort and Discomfiture Discomfort and Discomfiture Discomfort and Discomfiture By Maeve Maddox A reader asks, Can you explain the origin of the word discomfiture? This seems to be a recent invention; I was not coming across this word about 10 years ago. However, recently its use has increased. Is it the same as discomfort? Discomfiture is not as common a word as discomfort, but it has been used continuously in English since Chaucerââ¬â¢s day. Discomfort is a little earlier, dating from about 1350, when it meant ââ¬Å"deprivation of happiness.â⬠The earliest OED citations show discomfiture used with the meaning ââ¬Å"defeat in battle.â⬠Meanings that developed from there include ââ¬Å"frustration of plans or hopes; utter disappointment; perplexity, confusion.â⬠In time, the meaning weakened to include lesser emotions, such as unease, embarrassment, and similar-sounding discomfort. Although the words may be considered synonyms, discomfiture implies a stronger sense of unease and confusion than discomfort because it combines the connotation of both defeat and embarrassment. Even when defeat is not implied, discomfiture suggests a sense of agitation that discomfort lacks. I never was more completely whipped in a criminal case, and I always thought Judge Miller enjoyed my discomfiture more than anyone else. So terrible was his appearance that Spitz was forced to forego disciplining him; but to cover his own discomfiture he turned upon the inoffensive and wailing Billee and drove him to the confines of the camp. Tempting as it is, though, to smile at the courts discomfiture, the bigger issue here is whether the federal judiciary should be so actively engaged in the details of the electoral process.à Discomfort implies a sense of uneasiness, inconvenience, or mild physical pain. If you have a comfort zone, you must also have a discomfort zone.à Why Getting Comfortable With Discomfort Is Crucial Toà Success About a dozen new teachers of criminal law at multiple institutions have told me that they are not including rape law in their courses, arguing that its not worth the risk of complaints of discomfort by students. If you experience any discomfort in your eye after doing an activity in which a small particle could have entered your eye, such as hammering or working under a car, donââ¬â¢t ignore it.à I would save discomfiture to describe the kind of discomfort that includes embarrassment on the part of the person feeling it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Math or Maths?Expanded and ExtendedPresent Participle as Adjective
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Refutation in Thelogical Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Refutation in Thelogical Religion - Essay Example futation of religion does not involve only a refutation of theories regarding God and his kingdom but it necessarily involves a refutation to all possible authorities at once. Dostoevsky finds Nihilism to be the only alternative of religion and thus he supports a religious anarchy as a system which may allow human beings to dwell on earth with a piece that he compares to heavenly kingdom. However, on the other hand, handing over complete political authority to church had already shows threatening result which Dostoevsky himself had seen and considered as a result of political and economical lust in theological authorities which must choose to refute all worldly facilities and charms in order to sit on an authoritative position in religion. Compared to religious view of Dostoevsky, Freud and Sartre- who had borrowed a large part of their theories from Dostoevsky- proposed two analytical alternatives to understand the theory of religion. In his Origin of religion, Freud examines the idea for why men must find out a God whatever his situations are. In Brothers Karamazov Dostoevsky mentions there things that are necessary to mankind other than the Heavenly Bread of Bible, those are: Mystery, Miracle and Authority. Freud chooses authority as the reason why men always look for a superior creature that must be controlling at least some of his fate, if not all at once. Parallel to this idea, (Sartre) describes his theory of ââ¬Ëbad faithââ¬â¢ to explain for how human being is infinitely free to choose just anything that he is afraid of his freedom and he seeks for a surrender to anything that provide him an alternative of facing his infinite freedom. As most of the empirical theories, including science, necessarily fails to describe about the nature of consciousness (or soul, spirit), the necessity of laws in nature and secret of life, people find out religion as providing them a shelter from their naked responsibility to find out a meaning in their existence. Resultantly,
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Social Systems and Constructivism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Social Systems and Constructivism - Essay Example Constructivism is a learning-making or meaning-making theory, which offers an explanation about the nature of knowledge as well as how human beings learn. It sustain that individuals build or construct their own new knowledge via the interaction which have been believed, known and the ideas as well as activities with which are encountered. In a constructivist setting, learning activities are characterized by lively engagement, problem solving, inquiry, and collaboration by the learners. Teachers are considered as the facilitator, guide and co-explorer who motivate learners to question, and not just dispenser of knowledge. As to Brooks and Brooks (1993: vii), constructivism is a theory about learning. The author believe that learner uses a ââ¬Å"self-regulated mechanismâ⬠in order to resolve inner cognitive conflicts which often become obvious through concrete experience, reflection and collaborative discourse. Integrating the idea of constructivism to education is not anymore a new phenomenon. Trace back the efforts of Jean Piaget (1973), a Swiss developmental psychologist and also Russian psychologist Lev Vigotsky (1978). The idea has further influenced by the developmental philosopher Jacques Rousseau, followed by the theories of John Dewey, Arnold Gesell and G. Stanley Hall. Matthews Vadeboncoeur (1997) classifies three important strands in interpreting Jean Piagetââ¬â¢s socio-cultural, and emancipatory constructivism. The said strands vary primarily by; its subject of study, views.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
3 Levels of Society Essay Example for Free
3 Levels of Society Essay Society consists of three levels: the upper, middle, and lower class. This was established by philosophers Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Marx stated his views, known as the Marxist Theory. The Marxist view of scientific socialism was based on the short writings and views from two social scientists. The theory conceived by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels provided theoretical basis for the struggle of the working class to gain a higher class in society. ââ¬Å"They viewed crime as function of social demoralization, caused by the Capitalist society. While Karl Marx himself did not write much on the topic of crime, his views on the relationship between the concept of social conflict, this concept was first applied to criminology by three distinguished scholars: Willem Bonger, Ralf Dahrendorf, and George Vold.â⬠(Pg. 269 Seigel Larry J.). Willem Bonger had the belief that society was divided into two groups, the ââ¬Å"haveââ¬â¢sâ⬠or ââ¬Å"the ruling classâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"have notââ¬â¢sâ⬠or ââ¬Å"the inferior classâ⬠. The law is supposed to protect all classes of society, but in reality the law serves the will of the ruling class. Unless a situation is in a potentially harmful way of the ruling class, no actions are taken. But when actions such as crime affect the people of power and something has to be done, the legal system discriminates against the poor because of the capitalist society. Being the lower class, people are deprived of materials and are still monopolized by the upper class, they now are more likely to commit crime. Ralf Dahrendorf argued that society of today was organized into imperatively coordinated associations. There are two associations who make up society, the people who have authority and us it for social domination and then thereââ¬â¢s those who lack authority and are dominated. He says that society needs to step away from the ruling of classes and adhere to the idea of authority. Ralf states that society is made up of competing interest groups and formed his own theory on human behavior called the ââ¬Å"conflict theoryâ⬠. This theory is based off of a few ideas, such as, social change is everywhere, social conflict is everywhere, and every element in society iis a contribution to its own change. George Vold argued that the laws are made to help politically orienteered groups, who seek aid by the government. They need help protecting their rights and interests so they need someone with forceful power to help. He feels that a law can be created be enough people who share the same view and interests. In the end every case and criminal situation involves conflict of some sort. Crime is viewed as a social demoralization, as stated earlier. All three of these distinguished scholars had their own theories, overlapping in belief or not, on how society and crime worked. Willem Bonger believed society was divided into two groups, the ââ¬Å"havesâ⬠and the ââ¬Å"Have notsâ⬠. Ralf Dahrendorf argued that society was organized into imperatively coordinated associations. And George Vold said that the laws were/are made to help politically orienteered groups, who seek aid by the government.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Affirmative Action Essay examples -- Affirmative Action Essays
America is the land of opportunity, but to be fully qualified for the status, it needs to be ââ¬Å"color-blind, race-blind, and gender-blind.â⬠Affirmative Action began as a way to stop discrimination, but as new laws have been added to it, it has become reverse discrimination. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great addition to society. It is an immense injustice for people to say that someone of a different race or gender is not capable of achieving the same status in life as a white male. Through this paper, the concepts of affirmative action will be analyzed and discussed. Affirmative Action began in 1965 when President Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in to law. The Executive Order 11246 ââ¬Å"prevents Federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.â⬠This is when the phrase ââ¬Ëaffirmative actionââ¬â¢ was first used, because it ââ¬Å"requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin.â⬠When Affirmative Action was created, it only included minorities. In 1967, Johnson decided to expand the program to include women, because women have received some of the same discrimination as men in the workplace. There were also earlier laws that were passed to ensure equal rights. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are two examples of these laws, but they were a little behind considering the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution were passed much earlier. The Fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and the Fifteenth amendment forbid racial discrimination in access to voting. Also, there was the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which was passed one hundred years earlier to ensure equal rights to all men.3 Secretary George Schultz and Arthur Fletcher, a top deputy, were the architects of some federal hiring and contracting regulations that added to the Affirmative Action regulations. In 1969, Schultz and Fletcher created these regulations under the Nixon administration to ââ¬Å"redress the unfair treatment of minorities and women in the workplace.â⬠4 Even though America is the land of freedom, minorities and women did not fully receive these freedoms until the mid 1960ââ¬â¢s. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs... ...been a short-term solution to discrimination, but it has out lived its benefits. It is now encouraging reverse discrimination by setting quotas on the number of minorities required for a firm, contract, or school. America is now ready to become a color-blind society, and judge people on them, not their race or gender. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Works Cited The Census Bureau. December 2, 2000 Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity (1965. 30 Fed. Reg. 12319) Harris, John F. and Kevin Merida. ââ¬Å"On Affirmative Action, New Perspectives Strain Old Alliances.â⬠Washington Post. April 5, 1995, page A01-2. Morin, Richard and Sharon Warden. ââ¬Å"Americans Vent Anger at Affirmative Action.â⬠Washington Post. March 24, 1995, A01. The Origins of Affirmative Action. December 2, 2000. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. 438 U.S. 265 (1978) Vote 96. November 13, 2000. December 1, 2000. December 1, 2000. Affirmative Action Essay examples -- Affirmative Action Essays America is the land of opportunity, but to be fully qualified for the status, it needs to be ââ¬Å"color-blind, race-blind, and gender-blind.â⬠Affirmative Action began as a way to stop discrimination, but as new laws have been added to it, it has become reverse discrimination. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great addition to society. It is an immense injustice for people to say that someone of a different race or gender is not capable of achieving the same status in life as a white male. Through this paper, the concepts of affirmative action will be analyzed and discussed. Affirmative Action began in 1965 when President Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in to law. The Executive Order 11246 ââ¬Å"prevents Federal contractors from discriminating against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.â⬠This is when the phrase ââ¬Ëaffirmative actionââ¬â¢ was first used, because it ââ¬Å"requires federal contractors to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are not discriminated against based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin.â⬠When Affirmative Action was created, it only included minorities. In 1967, Johnson decided to expand the program to include women, because women have received some of the same discrimination as men in the workplace. There were also earlier laws that were passed to ensure equal rights. The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act are two examples of these laws, but they were a little behind considering the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the Constitution were passed much earlier. The Fourteenth amendment guarantees equal protection under the law and the Fifteenth amendment forbid racial discrimination in access to voting. Also, there was the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which was passed one hundred years earlier to ensure equal rights to all men.3 Secretary George Schultz and Arthur Fletcher, a top deputy, were the architects of some federal hiring and contracting regulations that added to the Affirmative Action regulations. In 1969, Schultz and Fletcher created these regulations under the Nixon administration to ââ¬Å"redress the unfair treatment of minorities and women in the workplace.â⬠4 Even though America is the land of freedom, minorities and women did not fully receive these freedoms until the mid 1960ââ¬â¢s. The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs... ...been a short-term solution to discrimination, but it has out lived its benefits. It is now encouraging reverse discrimination by setting quotas on the number of minorities required for a firm, contract, or school. America is now ready to become a color-blind society, and judge people on them, not their race or gender. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Works Cited The Census Bureau. December 2, 2000 Executive Order 11246 - Equal Employment Opportunity (1965. 30 Fed. Reg. 12319) Harris, John F. and Kevin Merida. ââ¬Å"On Affirmative Action, New Perspectives Strain Old Alliances.â⬠Washington Post. April 5, 1995, page A01-2. Morin, Richard and Sharon Warden. ââ¬Å"Americans Vent Anger at Affirmative Action.â⬠Washington Post. March 24, 1995, A01. The Origins of Affirmative Action. December 2, 2000. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. 438 U.S. 265 (1978) Vote 96. November 13, 2000. December 1, 2000. December 1, 2000.
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